The Glass Wall

On the journey,
Like a mime,
You hit a glass barrier.

Thou can see through it,
Peer through it,
But you can neither touch through it,
Nor sense through it.

You think all that you see,
On the other side,
Is a reality show,
On the television.

But just like a gripping movie,
Deep inside you,
It has gripped you.
You feel you are the protagonist,
Your emotions rush,
Yours truly,
You think is on the other side.

But you know not,
How to get there.
But you know not,
If it’s yet another magic trick.
But you know not,
If it is the mind,
Or if it is truly you.

What won’t you give to make,
This reality show a reality.

Onwards towards eternal peace,



Glass wall – What will you not give to be outside

Author: SpiritualityInRoutine

Blog about how we can see and apply spiritual principles and thought processes to everyday happenings. This is a non-religious blog, but gives a detailed view on my understanding of the Universe and its workings.

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