Daily Routine – Diet, Food and Eating

Diet, plays an over powered role in shaping our body and mind. We all know that the body literally sheds its old cells and renews them in 48 days. If we eat clean for 48 days consecutively, we will have a new body at the end of it.

So what is eating clean?

With so much misinformation about diets and eating, it is very easy to get confused. We have a school of thought which says eat every 2 hours and another which says fast for 16 hours. So where do we go and what do we follow?

We are here at this contemplating what and when to eat, purely because we have lost our sensibilities and our inner compass and our connection to our own bodies needs.

So how do we reconnect with our body and develop the ability to listen to it?

The basics for eating has always been the same.

1.) Food is God and food is medicine.

2.) Eating light, makes you feel lighter and eating heavy gives you more energy.

3.) How you eat is as important as what you eat.

Let’s delve into each of these topics.

Food is God / Food is medicine :

For most , food has become an addiction and a compulsion and therefore has lost its reverence. We are consuming and taking energy from living beings in the form of food. Our thankfulness and acceptance of it, will help us assimilate the right nutrients.

We have seen so many people talk about how changing their diet has changed their illness. Just like how food acts as a medicine, it also has the capability to give you a super charge and make you superhuman.

So, every time we eat, eat for the right reasons. Be thankful and revere what is to become part of your body.

Eating light, makes you feel lighter and eating heavy gives you more energy :

Food has the capacity to change your body and thoughts.

If we are on that path of spirituality, eating light – I.e natural foods, vegetarian/ vegan will help us have clarity of thoughts over time. But, if we need a lot of energy for physical work, we will need to eat oily heavy food.

Processed foods, with a lot of sugar and salt, like most things man-made is likely to tend us towards addiction and lethargy.

What we eat should therefore have a direct correlation to what is the weather outside, what is the physical activity that we are currently doing and a lot of other factors. Instead, we seem to be stuck to a clock and eat because “it is time to eat”. This factory worker mindset is not the best for our own growth.

What you need to eat, needs to come from within. So we first need to increase our sensitivity by eating and then observing how we feel. Note how you feel, when you have eaten, a few hours after you have eaten and even a day after you have eaten. When you start to notice this, you will then be able to intuitively expect what each food can do for you.

This skill may seem far fetched, but is a fundamental sense for us and therefore we can brush off the rust fairly quickly.

How you eat is as important as what you eat :

Eating as a process, has its own set of rules which are rarely followed.

The basics have always been the same –

Revere the food. Pray before you eat.

Sit down and eat (no standing, no walking)

Best to sit on the floor with your legs folded.

Only eat while eating (no watching television/phone or be on call etc)

Taste and chew every mouthful before you swallow.

And that’s it. Consistently done, this will also improve our sensitivity to food.

Like everything that is repeated everyday, eating has a huge impact on our mind and body. There are lots of habits that you can develop to come to an understanding of your own relationship with food.

The ideal state, will be able to accurately state when you will need to eat what and to eat it the right way. With consistent practise and will power, we can get there sooner than you think.

Onwards towards eternal peace.



Connecting with our Spiritual Guides

Spiritual guides and interacting with the higher realms have always been a fascination for humans. We believe that once we have the ability to interact with God, we ourselves become God.

There’s a world of difference between knowing and being. Interaction can maybe increase your knowledge, but it does not give you the experience.

So, at the outset, this is a Siddhi – a skill, a tool, which can be used for self improvement, but it is not a silver bullet which will elevate you immediately. This can be seen by the sheer number of people who are connected to guides and can talk to higher realms, but they are day to day life is still with the usual struggles – mentally, financially and physically.

But, if there’s a deeper calling that this the direction that you should be moving into, then it is a skill that can be acquired.

The higher realms are less gross. So the first thing that needs to be done is to tune yourself to the subtleties of nature.

Here are some practical steps to do it :

1.) Meditation : This allows your mind to turn off and you to become more sensitive to your subtler energies.

2.) Physical body :

Diet : Eating lighter food – natural, uncooked, unprocessed food and eating little will make your physical body more subtler.

Exercise : Playing sports / doing hard workouts at the gym, makes you come more into the physical body. Rather light exercises with breathing like Yoga or stretching or Tai Chi will make your body lighter.

Sleep : This is the time when our body naturally connects with itself and the higher realms. Sleeping on time, without watching the phone, chanting Mantras before dozing off and even meditating before falling asleep will help.

3.) Connecting to Energy:

Understanding and feeling energy is something that can really help advance connecting to higher realms. So learning Reiki, Tai Chi or any other method where the energy is being felt can help.

4.) Once the above our done, typically we connect to our guides through our crown chakra or our heart chakra. You will be able to feel which one is more suited for you.

5.) Connect/ Talk to them like you would talk to a person, but with respect. Feel the energy coming into these chakras when you are conversing.

6.) As we are accustomed to having our mind running all the time, it is important to ensure that it does not interfere during the conversation. So clear your mind before, during and after your conversation.

As always, this is a tool, that can be used for the rightful purpose (spiritual growth) or for your pleasures. Being aware of where you are coming from will help you set up this skill and grow in it.

The danger of course is being half baked – thinking you are connecting with your guides, but are in essence allowing your monkey mind to control you and making you think you are doing something great or making you do something stupid. Grounding yourself and being humble in all walks of life, will help avert this danger.

Onwards towards eternal peace,



Spirit Guides

Shame, Guilt and transcending it

For people on the journey of self development, we first start by understanding ourselves. The more we notice ourselves the more we find faults with ourselves. We are our own harshest critic.

Tough love, discipline and will power have been touted as silver bullets for all our issues.

So we get into a cycle – a cycle of finding our faults, setting impossible standards for discipline, failing, shaming ourselves or feeling guilty which in turn makes our own faults worse.

To break this, we need love and acceptance. Accepting that you are not perfect. Accepting yourself as you are, which means accepting your flaws is important.

Acceptance leads to unconditional love. You love yourself without the precondition of changing your flaws. What this allows is a surge of energy focused on your flaws. You can see the flaw as a blockage in you and your love washing it over and removing it. Now let it go. Allow the flaw to dissolve by itself. Let it wash out of your system.

As most thick stain, we may need to wash a few times. Getting this process of acceptance, love and washing and fine tuning it to suit yourself is a learning by itself. It is a powerful tool for change and improving ourselves.

As most tools, there are cautions that we need to adhere to. In this method, being too loose with yourself and accepting yourself with the flaw, on the surface and thereby telling your mind it is ok to keep doing the same mistake over and over is something we need to be wary of. This tool works once, you penetrate the mental level and start your journey on the spiritual level and are able to sense your own energies and blockages (even a tiny bit is enough).

Hope this method is useful for you.

Onwards towards eternal peace,



Break out of Guilt